Source code for wiggelen.wiggle

Read and write wiggle tracks.

.. todo:: Now that we also include the end positions in the index, it is
    possible to do random jumps inside a region with some educated guessing.
    Perfect hits would not be possible, since the length of the lines is

.. moduleauthor:: Martijn Vermaat <>

.. Licensed under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file.

import sys

from .parse import LineType, create_state, parse
from .index import ReadError, index, write_index

[docs]def walk(track=sys.stdin, force_index=False): """ Walk over the track and yield (region, position, value) tuples. The values are always of type `int` or `float`. :arg track: Wiggle track. :type track: file :arg force_index: Force creating an index if it does not yet exist. :type force_index: bool :return: Tuples of (region, position, value) per defined position. :rtype: generator(str, int, _) Example:: >>> for x in walk(): ... x ... ('chr18', 34344, 629.0) ('chr18', 34345, 649.0) ('chr18', 34446, 657.0) ('chrM', 308, 520.0) ('chrM', 309, 519.0) .. todo:: Optionally give a list of regions to walk, in that order. """ # Todo: Do something with browser and track lines. # Todo: Better exceptions. # Todo: Prettify this code. # Todo: Detect if index does not agree with track. region = None idx, _ = index(track, force=force_index) if idx is None: regions = [None] else: # Todo: Sort in a way that is compatible with existing wiggle tracks. # Inspiration could be sorted BAM files. GATK requires these to be # sorted according to the order in the reference file. regions = sorted(r for r in idx if r != '_all') for expected_region in regions: if expected_region is not None:[expected_region]['start']) state = create_state() for line in track: line_type, data = parse(line, state) if line_type == LineType.REGION: region = data if expected_region is not None and region != expected_region: break elif line_type == LineType.DATA: # Optimization: A `while` loop is faster than `for` and # `range`. i = 0 while i < data.span: yield region, data.position + i, data.value i += 1 # Todo: If there is no index yet, but we read the whole file, write # the index we just built. But if we go this route, I think we # should somehow merge wiggle.walk with index.index since they # will be doing virtually the same thing. # # if expected_region is None: # write_index(idx, track)
[docs]def zip_(*walkers): """ Walk over all tracks simultaneously and for each position yield the region, position and a list of values for each track, or `None` in case the track has no value on the position. .. note:: This assumes the order of regions is compatible over all walkers. If you are unsure if this is the case for your input wiggle tracks, use the :func:`walk` function with the `force_index` keyword argument. :arg walkers: List of generators yielding tuples of (region, position, value) per defined position. :type walkers: list(generator(str, int, _)) :return: Tuples of (region, position, values) per defined position. :rtype: generator(str, int, list(_)) Example:: >>> for x in zip_(walk(open('a.wig')), walk(open('b.wig'))): ... x ... ('18', 7, [29.0, None]) ('18', 8, [49.0, None]) ('18', 9, [None, 87.0]) ('MT', 1, [20.0, None]) ('MT', 2, [36.0, 92.0]) """ # We work with a list of lookahead items. If a walker has no more items, # we use None in the lookahead list. items = [] for walker in walkers: try: items.append(next(walker)) except StopIteration: items.append(None) # Regions seen so far. regions = set() previous_region = None while True: # If all lookahead items are None, we are done. if not any(items): break # Get the next position to yield. region, position = min(item[0:2] for item in items if item is not None) # Check region order compatibility. if region != previous_region: if region in regions: raise Exception('The order of regions is not compatible') regions.add(region) previous_region = region # Yield all values at this position. values = [item[2] if item is not None and item[0:2] == (region, position) else None for item in items] yield region, position, values # Advance the lookahead list where we just yielded a value. for i, item in enumerate(items): if item is not None and item[0:2] == (region, position): try: items[i] = next(walkers[i]) except StopIteration: items[i] = None
[docs]def fill(walker, regions=None, filler=None, only_edges=False): """ Fill in undefined positions with `filler` (or `None`). :arg walker: Tuple of (region, position, value) per defined position. :type walker: generator(str, int, _) :arg regions: Dictionary with regions as keys and (start, stop) tuples as values. If not `None`, fill positions from start to stop (both including) in these regions. If `None`, fill positions in all regions between their first and last defined positions. :type regions: dict(str, (int, int)) :arg filler: Value to use for filling undefined positions. :type filler: _ :arg only_edges: Only fill the first and last of continuously undefined positions. :type only_edges: bool :return: Tuples of (region, position, value) per position where value is `filler` if it was not defined in the original walker. :rtype: generator(str, int, _) Example:: >>> for x in walk(open('a.wig')): ... x ... ('MT', 3, 29.0) ('MT', 5, 49.0) ('MT', 8, 87.0) ('MT', 9, 20.0) >>> for x in fill(walk(open('a.wig')): ... x ... ('MT', 3, 29.0) ('MT', 4, None) ('MT', 5, 49.0) ('MT', 6, None) ('MT', 7, None) ('MT', 8, 87.0) ('MT', 9, 20.0) The `only_edges` argument might seem a bit out of place here, but can be useful in combination with `filler=0` when creating a line plot. Without any filling, non-zero lines may be plotted where there is actually no data. .. note:: This might be a tiny bit memory-hungry on Python 2.x if there are *very* large gaps to fill since we use the range function to generate the positions. I don't think it's worth it to add version specific code paths for this. """ previous_region = previous_position = None for region, position, value in walker: if region != previous_region: # Backlog. if regions is not None: try: start, stop = regions[previous_region] step = max((stop - max(previous_position + 1, start)) * only_edges, 1) for p in range(max(previous_position + 1, start), stop + 1, step): yield previous_region, p, filler except KeyError: pass previous_region = region previous_position = None if regions is None: # No explicitely specified regions, fill everything. if previous_position is not None: step = max((position - previous_position - 2) * only_edges, 1) for p in range(previous_position + 1, position, step): yield region, p, filler else: try: # Specified where we must fill. start, stop = regions[region] if previous_position is None: step = max((min(position, stop + 1) - start - 1) * only_edges, 1) for p in range(start, min(position, stop + 1), step): yield region, p, filler else: step = max((min(position, stop + 1) - max(previous_position + 1, start) - 1) * only_edges, 1) for p in range(max(previous_position + 1, start), min(position, stop + 1), step): yield region, p, filler except KeyError: # Region is not in explicitely specified regions, don't # fill it. pass previous_position = position yield region, position, value # Backlog. if regions is not None: try: start, stop = regions[previous_region] step = max((stop - max(previous_position + 1, start)) * only_edges, 1) for p in range(max(previous_position + 1, start), stop + 1, step): yield previous_region, p, filler except KeyError: pass
[docs]def write(walker, track=sys.stdout, serializer=str, name=None, description=None): """ Write items from a walker to a wiggle track. :arg walker: Tuples of (region, position, value) per defined position. :type walker: generator(str, int, _) :arg track: Writable file handle. :type track: file :arg serializer: Function making strings from values. :type serializer: function(_ -> str) :arg name: Optional track name (displayed to the left of the track in the UCSC Genome Browser). :type name: str :arg description: Optional track description (displayed as center label in the UCSC Genome Browser). :type description: str .. note:: Values of `None` are discarded. Example:: >>> write(walk(open('a.wig')), name='My example') track type=wiggle_0 name="My example" variableStep chrom=1 1 520.0 4 536.0 8 553.0 variableStep chrom=MT 1 568.0 2 598.0 6 616.0 .. todo:: Options for variable or fixed step, window size, etc. """ size = 0 header = 'track type=wiggle_0' if name is not None: header += ' name="%s"' % name if description is not None: header += ' description="%s"' % description header += '\n' track.write(header) size += len(header) idx = {} current_region = None for region, position, value in walker: if value is None: continue if region != current_region: line = 'variableStep chrom=%s\n' % region track.write(line) idx[region] = { 'region': region, 'start': size, 'stop': size + len(line), 'sum': 0, 'min': sys.float_info.max, 'posmin': sys.float_info.max, 'max': 0, 'count': 0} size += len(line) current_region = region line = '%d %s\n' % (position, serializer(value)) track.write(line) idx[region]['stop'] = size + len(line) idx[region]['sum'] += value idx[region]['min'] = min(value, idx[region]['min']) if value > 0: idx[region]['posmin'] = min(value, idx[region]['posmin']) idx[region]['max'] = max(value, idx[region]['max']) idx[region]['count'] += 1 size += len(line) idx['_all'] = { 'region': '_all', 'start': 0, 'stop': size, 'sum': sum(r['sum'] for r in idx.values()), 'min': min(r['min'] for r in idx.values()), 'posmin': min(r['posmin'] for r in idx.values()), 'max': max(r['max'] for r in idx.values()), 'count': sum(r['count'] for r in idx.values())} write_index(idx, track)