
Development of Wiggelen happens on GitHub:


Contributions to Wiggelen are very welcome! They can be feature requests, bug reports, bug fixes, unit tests, documentation updates, or anything els you may come up with.

Coding style

In general, try to follow the PEP 8 guidelines for Python code and PEP 257 for docstrings.

Unit tests

To run the unit tests with nose, just run nosetests -v.


A normal version number takes the form X.Y.Z where X is the major version, Y is the minor version, and Z is the patch version. Development versions take the form where X.Y.Z is the closest future release version.

Note that this scheme is not 100% compatible with SemVer which would require X.Y.Z-dev instead of but compatibility with setuptools is more important for us. Other than that, version semantics are as described by SemVer.

Releases are published at PyPI and available from the GitHub git repository as tags.

Release procedure

Releasing a new version is done as follows:

  1. Make sure the section in the CHANGES file for this release is complete and there are no uncommitted changes.


    Commits since release X.Y.Z can be listed with git log vX.Y.Z.. for quick inspection.

  2. Update the CHANGES file to state the current date for this release and edit wiggelen/ by updating __date__ and removing the dev value from __version_info__.

    Commit and tag the version update:

    git commit -am 'Bump version to X.Y.Z'
    git tag -a 'vX.Y.Z'
    git push --tags
  3. Upload the package to PyPI:

    python sdist upload
  4. Add a new entry at the top of the CHANGES file like this:

    Version X.Y.Z+1
    Release date to be decided.

    Increment the patch version and add a dev value to __version_info__ in wiggelen/ and commit these changes:

    git commit -am 'Open development for X.Y.Z+1'


These are some general todo notes. More specific notes can be found by grepping the source code for Todo.

  • Option to specify region(s) to use from a track, in that order.
  • Beter unit tests coverage.
  • Profile code to identify what’s keeping us from doing stuff fast.
  • Fill optionally takes a BED file of regions to fill, but it will only consider one entry per chromosome (and this is not clearly documented). There may also be other cases where a dictionary of chromosome->(start, stop) is used where we perhaps want to generalize to chromosome->list(start, stop) (or list(chromosome, start, stop), or an OrderedMultiDict).